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Nov 1 2022, 11 min to read

GoalEnvisions glossary

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Surely you yourself, at some point, have been part of the discussion when you suddenly realized that the concept whose meaning is obvious to you - does not match your colleague's definition of the same concept at all?

GoalEnvision's glossary

In business and industry, we use a lot of specialized language and jargon that can be confusing and misunderstood. To avoid miscommunications and misunderstandings, it can be helpful to create a glossary of key terms. 

A glossary should provide clear definitions and context for the terms used in your business and industry. Below is an example of GoalEnvision's glossary. Use it as inspiration for creating your own glossary.

Word / Concept



In GoalEnvision, level of ambition refers to the level of progress or improvement you desire for your chosen goal. 

It is a measure of how ambitious or ambitious you want to be in achieving that goal.

Baseline study

The baseline study works in exactly the same way as a regular survey mailing, but the result becomes a reference point against which the later survey mailings are compared. 

The baseline study is sent out to give you a reference point to set the level of ambition from. 

Board of directors

The board consists of board members and possibly board deputies.

One of the board members is the chairman of the board and leads the board's work. 

The board is appointed by the general meeting to ensure control and accuracy in the financial reporting. 

The board appoints the CEO and gives the CEO its CEO instructions.

Mission statement

The mission statement concept describes what you do, for whom and why and perhaps how you do it. Here you get help formulating a business idea together. 

Your business concept describes the value you provide to the customer and the market. Formulating a business idea is important to be clear to the market.

Central unit

The unit to which the management of the business belongs. In GoalEnvision, each organization has a main unit. 


CEO is responsible for the day-to-day and operational activities of a company.

The CEO is appointed by the board and the board gives the CEO his tasks. 


Conditions in GoalEnvision are linked to specific strategic goals. 

The condition is considered necessary for the goal to be achieved. 

Examples of conditions:

Structural (equipment, routines, responsibilities, etc.)

Abilities (knowledge, experience, education, etc.)

Energy (motivation, joy, etc.).


Formulate the condition as if it already exists. Example: We are.., we have..., Our X is..

Employee goals 

The Employee success perspective contains goals that tell you how you develop competence, the work environment and what requirements we place on employees. Leadership, Culture and values, work environment, employment, retaining and developing employees are examples of target areas.

Below you see all the goals within the perspective summarized in a magic diagram. The colored lines show ev. deviations from the level of ambition. Hover over the dots to see the story.

Below the magic chart you will see detailed information about each goal.


Employees are all the people who perform tasks on behalf of the business.

The employees' relationship to the business can be employed, leased or hired. 

Expert review

In GoalEnvision, you can choose to have an expert report the current value for a measure or for a condition. 

An expert or specialist may be appropriate to appoint for a measure or condition, if special knowledge is required to assess the status of the measure or condition. 

Financial goals

The Finance perspective contains your economic and financial goals. Goals for sales, profit, cash are important to set the framework and show the level of financial ambition in the strategy. Financial goals describe, for example, how the business is financed. interest and repayments on loans. Financial goals are also return for owners or expected company value.

Below, you see all goals within the perspective summarized in a magic chart. The colored lines show possibly deviations from the level of ambition. Hover over the dots to see the history.

Below the magic chart you will see detailed information about each goal.


See survey form

Goal manager

The person appointed to be responsible for achieving the goal. The person responsible for the goal can delegate work tasks required to achieve the goal, but cannot delegate the responsibility for the goal. 


A SaaS service that applies the GoalEnvision method. The structure of the method is to set up your strategy in the following order: 

  1. Vision
  2. Business idea
  3. Growth targets
    1. Strategic goals
      1. Measures
      2. Conditions


See strategic goals
See growth

Growth goals

Growth goals are long-term goals that describe where the business wishes to see its growth in the next few years. A growth goal can be financial, but also strategic, such as establishing a presence in a new region, launching new products or strengthening cooperation with a certain partner.

Growth goals in GoalEnvision is divided into: 

Product / Market fit: New better offers, product quality, Preferred customer type etc., Market shares, marketing, etc.

Sales: sales process, etc.

Internal: Efficiency, security, integration, etc.

Personnel: Competence, recruitment, culture, etc.

Finance: Turnover, profit, cash, etc.

The growth goals in GoalEnvision must guide the strategic goals. The strategic goals must describe how the growth goals are to be achieved = the Strategy.

Historical data

Historical data tells how this measure has gone in the past. Perhaps you have already measured this before, and can easily extract this data and enter it into GoalEnvision. 

With historical data entered into GoalEnvision, you can set a more well-founded and credible level of ambition. 

If you do not have access to the historical data yourself, you can send a task to someone who has it to enter the data into GoalEnvision.

If you lack historical data, you will be able to enter the latest known value. The latest known value for then counts as the reference value when you set the ambition level. 

Key employees

In many organizations all employees are key employees.

In other organizations, key employee may mean a person who is vital to the success of the business and who is difficult to replace. 

Management team

In many organisations, it is common for a management team to be responsible for leading the operational activities. 

A management team in a company is led by the CEO.

All of the company's business areas are represented in the management team. 

Measured value

The value that a measure shows in a specific period. If the measurement is "Number of units produced per day" the measurement value can be "12 pieces" 


In GoalEnvision, you give the goals metrics so that you can follow up the results and act on the development. Without metric, it becomes arbitrary whether the goals have been achieved or not. In GoalEnvision you always find a way to measure the goal. 

In GoalEnvision, you can measure a goal by:

- ​​retrieving the task from a system

- having people answer a survey about the situation

- having an expert report the situation

It is also possible to measure the goal by counting the percentage of fulfilled conditions the goal has. It is a good way, if the goal is, for example, to first learn something in an area and then use this knowledge to create growth.

 Measurement is the basis for knowledge, control and improvement.

Market goals

Success perspective for the Market is the first of five in GoalEnvision. Market goals are those that first help us understand the world around us and then offer a competitive product or service to our target audience. Examples of areas to set market goals for are environmental monitoring, target group, offer, customer satisfaction and product development.

Operational goals

The success perspective Operations contain goals for the business's internal processes. Organizational goals, goals for production and delivery, quality and efficiency goals, but also goals for partners and any licenses or regulations you must follow are examples of areas to set goals within.


value The value on which the ambition level is based. The reference value comes from historical data or from the last known outcome of a measurement. 


The reporting process in GoalEnvision takes place in two stages: 


Step 1: Reporting of results, outcome - Done by whoever has access to the outcome Whoever

has access to the current result can report it in GoalEnvision. Whoever reports the outcome can also comment on the outcome. 

Step 2: Review and comment on reported result, outcome - Done by the person

responsible for the goal The person responsible for a goal must review and comment on the current result of the measure. 

After these two steps have been completed, anyone who has access to GoalEnvision can see how the development of the goal went in the last period. 

Now you have a common and clear picture of the development in the business. 

Responsible for registering the result

The person appointed to report the current result of the measured value for the measure after the end of each period. 

It does not have to be the same person who is responsible for achieving the goal. 


The outcome as a measurement value for a measure shows the current period. 

Example: If the measure is "Temperature" and the measured value is "Degrees celcius", the result can be 19.2". 

Sales goals

The success perspective Sales in GoalEnvision includes everything from market communication to direct sales. In marketing communication you talk to a group, in sales to a potential customer.

Examples of goals within the sales perspective are market communication, the sales process and customer distribution.


An alternative to measures to describe how close we think we are to a goal. 

Own assessment is indicated on a scale from 0-100% and can be reported by someone who gets to give their opinion on how far the goal we are. 

Strategic goals

Strategic goals are goals that tell how growth is to be achieved. There are five types of strategic goals, they are in order: 

1. Offer
(See offer goals)

2. Sales
(See sales goals)

3. Operations
(See operations goals)

4. Employees
(See employee goals)

5. Finance & Financing
(See financial goals)

Success index

Success index is a test in GoalEnvision that aims to identify improvement potential in the business. 

The test is generic for all types of operations and not tied to a particular industry, product type or organization type. 

GoalEnvision's success index is based on gradations of statements in 5 areas that directly show where your organization is strong and where there is potential for improvement. 

Send out the test to your employees and get a clear picture of the situation. The test takes about 20 minutes to complete.

Success perspective

Success perspective is of central importance in GoalEnvision. The five success perspectives are: 

1. Market
(See market goals)

2. Sales
(See sales goals)

3. Operations
(See operational goals)

4. Employees
(See employee goals)

5. Finance & Financing
(See financial goals)

All strategic goals are placed in one of the five perspectives of success. 

Success unit

A success unit is a department in the organization with clear tasks and responsibilities that are necessary for the success of the business. 


A questionnaire survey can be done in GoalEnvision to gather experiences or perceptions about particular statements that are made in forms.

Surveys can be linked to prerequisites to find out whether the prerequisite's current status is red, green or yellow - See traffic lights

A survey consists of a form. The form can be unique for each survey, or one can be used for several surveys. 

Survey form

A survey form in GoalEnvision consists of a number of statements that the respondent must grade according to a scale chosen by the person who created the form.

Statements are graded by the respondent from "Do not agree at all" to "Completely agree" Questionnaire

Tag #

Measurements and measurements can be supplemented with a tag, so you can sort them more easily. You can e.g. create a #tag called "New product" and link all goals, regardless of success perspective, to this #tag. 

Target group

Customers who are gathered under particular attributes so that they can be addressed as a group. 


See Success

Unit manager

A unit manager is responsible for the tasks of the success unit being carried out and its goals and objectives being achieved. 

Unit of measure

A measure must be entered in a unit and a range. It is important to be clear about

  • What is to be measured
  • For what period it is to be measured
  • In what unit it is to be measured

Examples of measurement units: 

Number of deliveries last period

Average time spent per case


An inspiring vision attracts both existing and future customers and employees to your business. The vision describes where you want to be in the long term. The vision is like a letter from the future that tells you how your offer turned out for the customers, the market or the whole world. 

The vision does not have to be particularly concrete or specific. Instead, the vision expresses a feeling, an ideal, an answer to the question - Why? Why does your offer look the way it does? 

The components of a vision can be: 

Inspiring and challenging

Long-term improvement

A well-formulated vision becomes a guiding star in the organization that influences all decisions and priorities in the direction of the vision. 

The vision helps the market raise its gaze from your current products and services to look at you from a longer perspective. 


A workgroup is a subgroup of a success unit.

Use workgroups if you want to subdivide a unit into further specified tasks. For example, a sales unit can have a work group to find new customers, and a work group to develop existing customers.

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