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Jan 1 2021, 4 min to read

This is GoalEnvision

This is GoalEnvision - A strategic solution for management Running a business is a challenge, and it's up to management to make sure the organization is moving in the right direction. To do that, you need to have clear goals and a strategic plan to reach them. This is where GoalEnvision comes into play.

This is GoalEnvision - A strategic solution for management

Running a business is a challenge, and it's up to management to make sure the organization is moving in the right direction. To do that, you need to have clear goals and a strategic plan to reach them. This is where GoalEnvision comes into play.

GoalEnvision is a GrowthOS that helps companies set and achieve their goals. The tool provides users with a model and a framework for strategic goal setting and implementation. By using GoalEnvision, management can clearly place the company's strategic goals in five success perspectives, which provides a clear plan for how to achieve their goals.

Success perspective for strategic goals in GoalEnvision

The five success perspectives that GoalEnvision uses are market, sales, operations, employees and finances. By placing the goals within these perspectives, you get a clear overview of the company's goals and how they affect the different parts of the organization.

Market: In this perspective, it's about keeping an eye on the environment, target groups, customer satisfaction and the offer.
Sales: Here the focus is on marketing communication and actual sales or case management.
Operations: Internal processes, quality in execution, production performance, delivery and external partners are what this perspective is about.
Employees: Competences, work environment, recruitment, values, cultures both in employment and in leadership also affect success.
Economics: Economic results of the first four perspectives. Revenue, profit, cash flow and also everything related to relations with external investors.

Overall growth goals in GoalEnvision

GoalEnvision also provides the opportunity to set overall growth goals that the strategic goals then aim to achieve. This provides a clear direction for the company and helps management focus on what is important.

Goal types and units of measure in GoalEnvision

A goal in GoalEnvision consists of the goal's name, a measure that measures the goal's progress, a responsible person and one or more conditions that need to be met in order to reach the goal. The target's dimensions can be measured either with an objective value such as e.g. km/h, or a subjective value in the form of a survey where people can answer how they experience something.

Conditions in GoalEnvision

The goal's conditions fall into one of three categories: Structure, ability and energy. The status of each condition is indicated by a traffic light showing red, yellow or green. The conditions traffic light can be determined either in one of three ways: measurement, survey or expert review.

GoalEnvision reminds those responsible and collects reports and proposals for activities from those responsible for the respective goals and compiles these in the tool. GoalEnvision has connections to Google Workspace, Office 365, Slack and Trello so discussions, tasks and documents can be linked to the strategic goals and their conditions.

Why GoalEnvision is important for management

GoalEnvision is an important tool for management because it helps to set and achieve the company's goals in a structured way. It provides a clear overview of the company's strategic goals and how they affect different parts of the organization.

By using GoalEnvision, management can keep track of which conditions need to be met in order to reach the goals, and what needs to be done to achieve them. This reduces the risk of misunderstandings and makes it easier to focus on what is important.

By connecting GoalEnvision to other tools such as Google Workspace, Office 365, Slack and Trello, management can easily collaborate and communicate about the company's goals and strategy.

GoalEnvision is an effective strategic solution for management, as it helps to set and achieve the company's goals in a clear and structured way. By using GoalEnvision, management can focus on what is important and ensure that the organization is moving in the right direction.


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