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Jun 14 2024, 2 min to read

News in GoalEnvision 14 June 2024

New compact perspective page. Perfect for overview, analysis and presentation.

Revised perspective page


Perspective page 2.0

We are excited to announce the new and improved perspective page in GoalEnvision! This update has been designed to improve the user experience and provide a more intuitive and comprehensive overview of your goals and their conditions.

Benefits of the new layout

The main benefit of the new layout is that everything now fits on a single screen. This means you can easily click on a goal and immediately see its conditions without having to scroll. Here are some of the key features of the new layout:

  1. Overview of strategic goals in a perspective: On the perspective page, you can immediately see a summary of the goals with a clear and concise description. You can also see which units and people are responsible for the goal, making it easy to keep track of responsibilities.

  2. Effective goal monitoring: Two graphs show your performance both relative to the ambition and in absolute terms. This provides a visual representation of how well you are doing in relation to your set goals.

  3. Conditions in focus: All conditions for the goals are clearly displayed on the page. By clicking on a condition, you can dive deeper into the details and get a specific overview of that particular condition. The traffic lights (green, yellow and red) provide a quick insight into how well the conditions are being met.

  4. Ongoing discussions and activities: The new layout makes it easy to follow ongoing discussions and activities linked to each condition. You can see at a glance what is being discussed and what activities are underway, making it easier to stay updated and engaged.

How the new perspective page improves your work

The new Perspectives page provides you with a holistic view of your goals and conditions, making it easier to identify bottlenecks and areas that need attention. The page provides a more efficient and engaged work process where you can quickly act on the information you see.

By bringing all relevant information together on one screen, we reduce the time you need to spend navigating between different pages and sections. This allows you to focus more on analysing data, making informed decisions and taking action to achieve your goals.


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