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May 28 2024, 2 min to read

News in GoalEnvision 28 May 2024

Revised organisation page New tab - Follow-up Better chart for survey statistics Integration with Cooach.io Remind everyone New GoalEnvision logo

Revised organisation page

The organisation page has had a major facelift. We've made it more compact, so you don't have to scroll the page to see the magic graphs and status in the perspectives. 

Organisationssidan ny version

About us, Vision and Mission now appear under the respective buttons instead of taking up space on the organisation page.

  • Two new buttons; News and Tasks take you to Your page. 
    The growth objectives are now on a row above the strategic objectives. 
    Search and Settings are still in the top right corner
    The status box that showed goal monitoring has been moved to its own tab (see below)

New tab - Follow-up

  • A new tab for Follow-up is created and shows; 
    Number of invited/uninvited users
    Users who did not respond to the invitation
    Number of reports and audits
    Number of surveys carried out
    Success index

Better graphs for survey statistics

The graphs showing the results of surveys are clearer and easier to understand. Click on the Surveys tab and then on the gear to the left of the survey you want to see the results for. In the gear menu, select History or Detailed history to see the new graphs:


The history graph allows you to view all or only the survey questions you want to look at: 


The Detailed History graph shows you how many people responded to each level of the scale: 

Integration med Cooach.io

GoalEnvision is now used by Cooach.io and gives their clients access to the entire platform. Cooach.io is a "one-stop-shop for growth companies" and helps its clients with both knowledge and fundraising. Contact Cooach.io for more information. 

Remind everyone

A button to send out reminders to anyone who has not reported or reviewed is now available in Settings under the Report and Review tabs. 

GoalEnvision's new logo

As you may have noticed, we have changed our logo and at the same time got a logo consisting of three bars. The bars represent the growth our users create and, at the same time, the traffic light that is a central part of the GoalEnvision model. 

Logo med färger

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