Dec 9 2023

Explore Business Planning: A Series of Articles on Strategic Success

Welcome to our knowledge portal on strategic planning. Here, we have gathered a series of informative articles aimed at helping you on your journey to develop and formulate effective strategic plans for your organisation.

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What is business planning?

Welcome to our series of articles on effective business strategy planning. In this series, we will explore different aspects of the planning process and how they can be applied to achieve success.

Read more about business planning...

What is strategy? 

Strategy is the art of coordinating resources and actions to ensure maximum efficiency and success within an organisation or project.

Read more about Strategy...

What is risk management? 

In this article, we will explore the importance of risk management and how you can develop an effective strategy to address potential barriers.

Read more about risk management...

What is resource allocation all about? 

In this article, we will explore the importance of resource allocation and how you can do it in a strategic way to drive your plan forward.

Read more about resource allocation...

Optimise your time management

Explore the importance of time management and how you can design an effective timetable to drive your plan forward.

Read more about time management...

How to analyse the current situation

Understanding your current situation is like taking a photograph of your business at this moment. It gives you insights into your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. 

Read more about the current situation analysis...

An introduction to performance management

Management by objectives is a method of organising and managing a business by setting, monitoring and evaluating objectives. It is a central part of modern business management and is used in everything from small businesses to large organisations. But what does it actually mean to work with performance management? 

Read more about performance management...

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis is a strategic tool used to understand an organisation's Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

Read more about the SWOT analysis...

SWOT impact assessment

Now that you have your SWOT analysis - your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats - it's time to take the next step. How to use this information to create a strategic plan? This is where the impact assessment comes in.

Read more about the impact assessment...