Aug 6 2024 8 min to read

Green card in strategic planning and implementation: Part 3. Implement and monitor

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Implementation and monitoring are crucial to ensure that strategies lead to the desired results. Here is part 3 of the course ‘Green card in strategic planning and implementation’ with a more detailed review of how you can practically implement, monitor and improve your strategy.

In this part of the course we go through how you can structure and implement your strategic work using the GoalEnvision strategy platform. By creating a clear organisational map and assigning strategic goals to the right units, you lay the foundation for a structured and effective business.

Furthermore, we describe how to identify and assess conditions, plan and implement activities to fulfil them, and follow up and analyse results. We also go through the use of GoalEnvision's magic chart to visualise progress and identify areas for improvement.

Finally, we look at how you can work with Lean methods and feedback loops to ensure continuous improvement and success.





1. Structuring the work

  • Organisation Map: Use GoalEnvision's tool to create an organisation map showing all the entities within your organisation. Include each team, department and workgroup, as well as the individuals who belong to them.

  • Assign strategic goals: Link each strategic goal to the relevant unit in the organisation chart. This clarifies responsibilities and makes it clear which team is responsible for achieving each goal.



Monitoring and evaluation

1. identify and assess conditions

  • Conditions: Identify the basic resources, competences and circumstances needed to achieve each strategic goal. Use the traffic light method to assess the status of the preconditions:

    • Green: The condition is fulfilled.

    • Yellow: The condition is partially fulfilled and may require some attention.

    • Red: Condition is not fulfilled and requires immediate action.


2. Plan and implement activities to fulfil conditions

  • Activities: To turn red and yellow conditions into green, define specific activities linked to these conditions. The activities should be clearly defined with responsible persons and timeframes.
  • Discussions: Start or participate in discussions in GoalEnvision to jointly come up with activities needed to fulfil the conditions.



3. Regular reporting

  • Reporting of results: Responsible persons should regularly report results in GoalEnvision. This can include feeding in objective results or summarising qualitative insights such as expert judgements.

  • Notifications: Reporters receive notifications when it is time to update the outcome and compare it to the ambition level.


4. Review and analysis

  • Review of results: When rapporteurs update the results, managers review them against the goals. They check the level of discussion and activity planning.

  • Comments: Managers comment on the results, progress and future plans. This gives a clear picture of how the work is progressing and what needs to be adjusted.


5. Use magic charts

  • Visualisation: GoalEnvision's magic chart converts all results into percentages and compares them to the defined ambition level. This makes it easy to see how close you are to achieving your goals.

  • Comparison of multiple goals: The charts show results from multiple goals at the same time, making it possible to identify synergies, correlations and reasons for success or failure.

  • Identify areas for improvement: By visualising data, you can quickly see which areas need improvement and which are performing well.


Here is a set of 10 statements, where some are true and some are false. The task is to identify the true statements and provide explanations as to why the false statements are incorrect.

  1. GoalEnvision allows users to create an organisational structure that includes all teams and individuals.
  2. The traffic light approach is used in GoalEnvision to assess the status of the conditions for strategic goals.
  3. Activities designed to fulfil conditions need to be vaguely defined to allow flexibility in implementation.
  4. GoalEnvision provides tools for users to report both objective results and qualitative insights.
  5. Magic charts in GoalEnvision can compare the performance of multiple strategic goals simultaneously.
  6. The Lean methodology in GoalEnvision includes identifying and eliminating waste by categorising inefficiencies.
  7. Feedback loops in GoalEnvision are only used to gather insights from management, not from employees.
  8. Documenting processes is unnecessary if team members are familiar with their roles.
    Kaizen means holding regular improvement meetings to discuss and plan new activities in GoalEnvision.
  9. After implementing feedback improvements, no follow-up evaluations are required in GoalEnvision.

Keys (true/false claims):

  • True claims:

1 True

2 True

4 True

5 True

6 True

9 True

  • False claims:

3 Falskt

7 Falskt

8 Falskt

10 Falskt


Explanations of false claims:

  • Activities designed to fulfil conditions need to be vaguely defined to allow flexibility in implementation.

Explanation: Activities need to be clearly defined with specific responsibilities and timelines. Vague activities can lead to confusion and lack of accountability, making it difficult to achieve strategic goals.

  • Feedback loops in GoalEnvision are only used to gather insights from management, not from employees.

Explanation: Feedback loops are crucial for gathering insights from both employees and management. Engaging employees in the feedback process ensures a more comprehensive understanding of areas for improvement.

  • Documenting processes is unnecessary if team members are familiar with their roles.

Förklaring: Dokumenterade processer ger en referens för alla medarbetare och säkerställer konsekvens samt hjälper vid introduktion av nya medarbetare. Utan dokumentation kan kunskap gå förlorad om medarbetare lämnar eller glömmer specifika procedurer.

  • After implementing feedback improvements, no follow-up evaluations are required in GoalEnvision.

Explanation: Follow-up evaluations are essential to assess whether the implemented improvements fulfil the desired goals. Continuous evaluation makes it possible to adjust actions and ensure the effectiveness of the implemented changes.


Continuous improvements

Here are some concrete suggestions on how you can work according to Lean and with feedback to facilitate and streamline improvement work. 

Working with Lean

Step 1: Identify waste

  • Map connections between goals and assumptions: Use GoalEnvision's magic charts and other features to identify what adds value and what is waste.  

  • Analyse waste: Categorise waste according to the seven types (overproduction, waiting, unnecessary transportation, overprocessing, unnecessary inventory, unnecessary movement and defects).


Step 2: Eliminate waste

  • Plan actions: Define activities needed to eliminate identified waste. Use GoalEnvision to assign responsible persons and timeframes for each activity.

  • Implement actions: Monitor and manage the implementation of these activities in GoalEnvision. Make sure everyone knows their roles and deadlines.


Step 3: Standardise work

  • Document processes: Create and regularly update procedures and documented processes. Ensure that all staff have access to and follow these.

  • Train staff: Ensure that all staff understand and can follow the standardised processes. Use GoalEnvision to plan and implement training programmes.


Step 4: Continuous improvement (Kaizen)

  • Conduct regular improvement meetings: Use GoalEnvision to hold regular improvement meetings. Discuss results, identify areas for improvement and plan new activities.

  • Update standards: After each improvement, update the standardised processes and document the changes in GoalEnvision.


Read more about Lean...


Feedback loops

Step 1: Collecting feedback

  • Create surveys: Use GoalEnvision's survey tool to create and distribute surveys to employees, customers and other stakeholders. Ask questions that help identify areas for improvement.

  • Regular reporting: Schedule regular reporting intervals where employees report in their observations and results. Use GoalEnvision to send out reminders and collect reports.


Step 2: Analysing the feedback

  • Collect data: Use GoalEnvision's analytics tools to compile and visualise feedback data. Identify patterns and areas that need improvement.

  • Discuss results: Hold meetings with relevant teams to discuss the analysis results. Use GoalEnvision to share data and gather further insights.


Step 3: Implementing improvements

  • Plan improvement actions: Based on the feedback, define specific activities to improve identified areas. Appoint responsible persons and set timeframes for each activity in GoalEnvision.

  • Implement improvements: Use GoalEnvision's tools to follow up on the implementation of the improvements. Document progress and adjust the plan if needed.


Step 4: Evaluate and adjust

  • Evaluate results: After the implementation of improvement actions, use GoalEnvision to collect and analyse results. Compare the results with the expected goals.

  • Adjust processes: If the results do not fulfil expectations, hold additional meetings to discuss what can be further improved. Adjust the plan and implement new actions if necessary.


Read more about feedback...




In this part, we have focused on how to practically implement plans, monitor progress and ensure continuous improvement using the GoalEnvision strategy platform. We have outlined step-by-step instructions on how to work with lean methods to eliminate waste and standardise work as well as how to implement feedback loops to continuously improve your processes. GoalEnvision supports this work through its documentation, analysis and follow-up features, helping you to create an efficient and successful organisation.

This is the last part of the course ‘Green Card in Strategic Planning and Implementation’. Are you ready to take the test to see if you get the green card?

Continue to part 4 (Green card in strategic planning and implementation)...


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