Sep 22 2024 3 min to read

The role of culture in strategic success: How corporate culture can influence strategy implementation

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Everyone knows that a good strategy is fundamental to a company's success. But have you ever wondered why two companies with similar strategies can have such different results? The answer lies not only in the plans themselves, but in something more subtle - the company culture.

Strategy is the map, but culture is the engine

It's easy to talk about targets, deadlines and growth plans. But what happens when strategy meets harsh reality? That's where culture comes in. A company's culture is not just the words on paper about values and vision. It's how people actually work, think and communicate every day.

Imagine this: your strategy is your map to the destination. But what about culture? It is the engine that drives the car forward. If the engine stalls, it doesn't matter how good the map is - you won't get anywhere.

A toxic culture? The strategy is failing

Let's say your team has an ‘us versus them’ attitude. Maybe there's rivalry between different departments, or people work with blinders on and keep their information to themselves. This behaviour can undermine a strategy, no matter how smart it is. If people don't feel they're working towards the same goal, how can they implement the plan effectively?

Companies with high levels of collaboration within the organisation are more likely to succeed with strategic change. It's not magic - when people feel involved and are encouraged to share ideas, work flows more smoothly.

The secret of success: Aligning culture to support strategy

So how do successful companies ensure that their strategy doesn't just become a PowerPoint presentation gathering dust? They adjust the culture to support the strategy.

Take a company like Google for example. Their strategy is built around innovation. But it's their company culture - open, collaborative, and experimental - that allows them to execute the strategy. It's no coincidence that their culture is known for encouraging ‘thinking outside the box’ and taking risks, because that's exactly what their strategy requires to succeed.

How to align your culture with your strategy

There are some clear steps to ensure that your company culture supports your strategy:

  1. Communicate clearly: Make sure everyone understands the goals of the strategy and why they are important. It sounds obvious, but if people don't see how their work contributes to the bigger goal, engagement will drop. Read more about internal communication...
  2. Create a culture of accountability: Every person needs to feel that they play a role in the success. And that means creating an environment where everyone is held accountable - not in a threatening way, but in a way that makes them feel pride in their work.
  3. Reward the right behaviour: Want your team to work better together? Show it. Reward those who share ideas and work across departments. Company culture is shaped not just by words, but by actions.
  4. Follow up and adjust: As with any strategy, you need to follow up and make sure the culture actually supports your goals. If you see that internal conflicts or misunderstandings are dragging down productivity, don't be afraid to intervene and adjust course.

Strategic success is not just about what's on paper. It's about the people who will implement the plan - and those people are shaped by the culture you build. If your company culture works in harmony with your strategy, you can take your business to new heights. If not, it can be the biggest stumbling block in your growth journey.

Culture may not be reflected in your strategy, but it is often the key to your success.

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