May 31 2024

Effective management meetings: How GoalEnvision solved our problems

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The management team struggled with messy meetings and unclear decisions that hampered their work and lowered team morale. One of the members discovered the GoalEnvision strategy tool, which was the start of a journey towards clearer goals and structured follow-up. By implementing GoalEnvision and setting specific goals in five success areas, they managed to turn the situation around and create a more efficient and collaborative work environment. Here's the story of how a simple change led to big improvements.

Problems with messy meetings and unclear decisions

Management team in a meeting

A common challenge in management teams

Working in a management team often means dealing with complex issues and making important decisions. But what happens when the meetings get messy and the decisions unclear? For this management team, this has been a recurring challenge. Unclear decisions and lack of structure during meetings led to frustration, misunderstandings and sometimes even duplication of work.

The consequences of a lack of structure and clarity

A common view was that meetings dragged on without any concrete decisions being made. Discussions drifted away and important questions remained unanswered. After the meetings, many in the group felt unsure of what had actually been decided and who was responsible for various tasks. This lack of clarity created not only stress but also inefficiency in their work.

Examples from our management team

The consequences of this lack of structure became clear: projects were delayed, goals became diffuse and team morale dropped. Constantly having to reassess and unravel previous decisions took a lot of time and energy, preventing the group from focusing on the strategic goals.

It was clear that something needed to change in order for them to work more effectively and purposefully. The group needed a tool that could help them create structure, clarity and follow-up in their work. That's when one of the members discovered GoalEnvision.


The discovery of GoalEnvision

En dator som visar strategiverktyget GoalEnvision

A member of management finds the solution: GoalEnvision

One of the management team members, frustrated by the constant problems of messy meetings and unclear decisions, started searching for a solution. After some research, he discovered GoalEnvision, a tool designed to create clear strategies and facilitate the follow-up of goals. Curious about how this tool could help the group, he took the initiative to learn more about its features.

What is GoalEnvision and how does it work?

GoalEnvision is a digital strategy tool that helps organizations plan, implement and follow up on their goals in a structured and clear way. The tool offers a platform where users can define visions, mission statement, growth targets and strategic goals. One of the central parts of GoalEnvision is the five perspectives of success: market, sales, operations, employees and finances.

The executive quickly recognized the potential of GoalEnvision and shared his discovery with the rest of the group. The tool seemed to be just what they needed to solve their organizational problems. By using GoalEnvision, they were able to create a clear structure for their meetings and decisions, which would lead to better focus and higher efficiency.

First step: Everyone sets a goal

To get a practical feel for how GoalEnvision worked, the management team decided to let each member set their own goal within their respective perspective. This would not only help them understand the tool better, but also create a common strategy to improve the overall performance of the organization.

With each member responsible for a specific goal, the group began its journey towards a more structured and goal-oriented work process. The strategic goals that were set would serve as benchmarks for their continued work and help them achieve a higher degree of coordination and efficiency throughout the organization.


The implementation of strategic goals

GoalEnvisions Setup goal screen

Understanding of strategic goals and their conditions

When the management team started working with GoalEnvision, they quickly realized the importance of not only setting strategic goals, but also identifying the conditions necessary to achieve them. Conditions can be divided into three main categories: structure, capability and energy. These elements ensure that the team has the resources, skills and motivation needed to successfully achieve their goals.

Structure is about having the right tools, processes and routines in place. Ability refers to the competence and experience required to perform the tasks. Energy means the motivation and commitment that drives the team forward. By focusing on these three areas, the group was able to create a solid foundation for its strategic goals and improve its chances of success.

Five success perspectives in GoalEnvision

GoalEnvision divides strategic goals into five success perspectives: market, sales, operations, people and finances. Each perspective represents a critical part of the organization's overall strategy and helps ensure that all important areas are covered.

The management team divided the responsibility for these perspectives among its members. Each set a goal in their assigned area, creating a balanced and holistic approach to the organization's development. This approach helped the group focus their efforts and coordinate their efforts toward common goals.


The management team's journey with GoalEnvision

Picking out what goals to set

First step: Everyone sets a goal

In order to quickly get started with GoalEnvision, the management team decided that each member would set their own goal within their respective perspective. This exercise would not only give them a better understanding of how the tool worked, but also create a common foundation for their future work.

The market perspective focused on understanding and satisfying customer needs. The sales perspective was about streamlining and increasing sales. The business perspective aimed to improve internal processes and reduce waste. The employee perspective concentrated on increasing employees' competence and motivation. Finally, the finance perspective focused on improving the company's financial performance.

How each member contributes their perspective

With each member setting up and working towards their goal, the management team began to see positive changes. The discussions during the meetings became more focused and structured. With clear goals and defined areas of responsibility, the group could more easily follow up progress and identify any obstacles in time.

This new way of working not only helped to solve the previous problems of messy meetings and unclear decisions, but also to create a more engaged and motivated management team. Each member felt a stronger connection to the overall goals of the organization and a clearer understanding of how their work contributed to the common success.


The five goals

GoalEnvisions five success perspectives

The market perspective: Understanding and satisfying customers' needs

The first goal was set within the market perspective, where the focus was on improving customer satisfaction. The executive responsible for this perspective decided to conduct a comprehensive customer survey to better understand customer needs and expectations. By analyzing the results, the company was able to adjust its products and services to better meet the demands of its customers, which in turn led to increased customer loyalty and higher sales figures.

The sales perspective: Communicating and selling the company's offerings

The sales perspective focused on increasing sales volume by improving sales processes and developing new sales channels. The goal here was to achieve a 15% increase in sales within the coming year. The management member responsible for this perspective implemented new sales strategies, including digital marketing campaigns and training for the sales team, which contributed to the achievement of the target and a significant increase in sales.

The operations perspective: Effective internal processes

Within the operational perspective, the goal was set to streamline internal processes to reduce costs and increase productivity. The goal was to reduce production costs by 10% by implementing lean methods and improving logistics processes. The responsible management member identified and eliminated waste in the production chain, resulting in significant cost savings and smoother operations.

The people perspective: Competence and motivation of the staff

The goal within the employee perspective was to improve employee satisfaction and increase competence within the company. The management member responsible for this perspective set the goal of implementing regular training programs and creating a more inclusive work environment. This meant that employees had more opportunities to develop their skills and that the workplace became more motivating and engaging, which in turn improved overall morale and productivity.

The financial perspective: Focus on financial results and returns

The last goal was set within the financial perspective, where the focus was on improving the company's profitability. The goal was to increase profitability by 20% through better cost control and optimization of resource use. The responsible management member carried out a detailed financial analysis and introduced new budgeting and follow-up routines. This led to a more efficient use of the company's resources and a marked improvement in profitability.

By each member working toward their specific goals within their respective perspectives, the management team was able to create a more balanced and holistic strategy for the company's growth and success.


Results and Reflection

Chat bubble

The benefits of clear goals and structured meetings

After implementing GoalEnvision and setting clear goals within the five success perspectives, the management team began to notice significant improvements in their work. Meetings became more structured and focused, leading to more effective discussions and decisions. Each member knew exactly what was expected of them and could clearly report their progress.

This structure not only helped reduce confusion and stress, but also increased productivity and engagement within the team. The clear goals made it easier to follow up and measure success, which in turn created a sense of responsibility and motivation among all members.

How GoalEnvision changed our management team

The implementation of GoalEnvision ushered in a new era of efficiency and collaboration in the management team. The tool enabled members to work more purposefully and structured. By clearly defining and communicating goals, the team was able to work toward common goals and reduce the risk of misunderstandings and duplication of work.

One of the biggest changes was the improvement of the follow-up process. Using GoalEnvision, the management team could easily monitor the status of each goal and make real-time adjustments as needed. This made it possible to quickly identify and fix problems before they escalated.

Future steps and continuous development

With the positive results of GoalEnvision, the management team decided to continue using the tool to support their long-term strategic planning. They realized that success is not only about setting goals, but also about constantly evaluating and adapting to changing conditions and market conditions.

The management team now plans to regularly review and adjust their strategic goals and conditions to ensure they are always on track towards their overall vision and business goals. They will also continue to use GoalEnvision to keep all members informed and engaged, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration.

By integrating GoalEnvision into their daily work, the management team has not only managed to overcome their past challenges, but also built a stronger, more cohesive and efficient organization that is well equipped for the challenges of the future.


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