Jun 22 2024

How to measure success: 159 examples for your business

Categories: Methodology,DIY
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Setting and monitoring targets is crucial to driving success and growth in an organization. This article presents concrete examples of what you can measure in different business perspectives, helping you to assess and improve your business in a structured way.

Setting and following through on goals is critical to driving success and growth in your organization. The purpose of this article is to give you, as a business owner, leader or head of a management group, practical tools for how you can measure and follow up your goals within different business perspectives. By presenting clear measurement methods for market, sales, operations, employees and finances, we help you better understand and improve your business's performance.

Whether your company is striving to understand market needs, increase sales, optimize internal processes, develop employee competencies or ensure financial stability, having clear and measurable goals is critical. By applying the examples and methods presented in this article, you can:

  • Understand the outside world and your target groups better: Analyze market reports, conduct customer surveys and identify trends to adapt your offerings.

  • Improve sales efforts: Measure conversion rates, ROI on marketing spend and customer satisfaction to increase revenue.

  • Optimize the business: Monitor internal processes, compliance and cost efficiency to create a smoother and more profitable business.

  • Develop and retain competent personnel: Conduct training, improve workplace culture and ensure employee well-being to create a productive work environment.

  • Secure financial health: Manage revenues, costs, cash flow and risks to build a sustainable and successful business.

By applying these measurement methods, you get a clear picture of where your company stands today and what is needed to achieve your long-term goals. Now let's dive deeper into specific examples and measurement methods within each perspective to help you take the next step toward success.


Marketing goals

The market perspective is about understanding the outside world, target groups and packaging offers that are optimal. By measuring different aspects in this area, companies can identify opportunities for growth, improve customer satisfaction and strengthen their brand. We will explore specific measurement methods that can help you assess the effectiveness of your marketing strategy and adapt your products and services to market demands.

Target area

Measurement method 1

Measurement method 2

Measurement method 3

Understand the outside world

Number of analyzed market reports per quarter

Number of identified market trends

Number of completed competitor analyses

Understand target audiences

Number of completed customer surveys per year

Demographic analysis of the customer base

Customer segmentation analysis

Packaging of offers

Number of new offers launched per year

Sales volume for new offers

Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) for new offers

Market understanding

Number of completed customer surveys per year

Number of market analyses

Share of new market segments identified


Market shares in comparison with competitors

Price comparison with competitors

Number of Unique Selling Propositions

Product development

Number of new products launched per year

Time from idea to market launch

Sales revenue from new products


Sales target

The sales perspective focuses on increasing revenue through effective sales and marketing strategies. Understanding how well your sales efforts are working and identifying areas for improvement can be critical to achieving your business goals. In this section, we look at different ways to measure sales performance, from lead generation to customer care, to ensure your sales efforts are delivering the best possible results.

Target area

Measurement method 1

Measurement method 2

Measurement method 3

Marketing and sales performance

Conversion rate from marketing campaigns

ROI on marketing spend

Number of leads generated from campaigns

Brand building and awareness

Brand recognition via annual surveys

Social media interactions

Brand name search volume online

Marketing, not sales

Reach and engagement on social media

Number of new followers and subscribers

Traffic to website from marketing campaigns

Public media relations

Number of positive media mentions per month

Number of press releases published

Media Reach (number of people reached)

Web and social media

Number of unique visitors to the website per month

Number of shares and likes on social media

Bounce rate on the website

Generation of leads

Number of qualified leads per month

Cost per lead

Conversion rate from lead to customer

Prospect qualification

Percentage of qualified leads that become customers

Time to convert lead to customer

Number of follow-up meetings per lead

Actual sales

Total sales volume per month

Average order size

Sales growth compared to the previous period

Customer care

Customer retention rate

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Number of repeat purchases per customer


Business goals

The business perspective covers the internal processes and systems that enable your organization to deliver products and services efficiently and with high quality. By measuring operational efficiency, compliance and process optimization, companies can improve their productivity and reduce costs. Here we present methods to monitor and improve your operational processes, which contributes to a smoother and more profitable business.

Target area

Measurement method 1

Measurement method 2

Measurement method 3

General internal efficiency

Average time to complete internal processes

Number of process improvements implemented

Cost savings from streamlining

Compliance and Regulations

Number of rule violations per year

Time to remedy violations

Number of internal and external audits


Reduction in process cycle time

Number of automated processes

Productivity increase after optimization

Supply chain management

Leveransprecision (OTIF - On Time In Full)

Inventory turnover rate

Delivery cost per unit

Quality control

Number of quality incidents per production unit

Improvement in product quality (defects per unit)

Customer feedback on product quality

Technology and infrastructure

The system's operating time (uptime) in percentage

Number of technical incidents and their resolution time

Investments in new technologies and their ROI

Partner relationships

Number of partner complaints per quarter

Level of partner collaboration in projects

Partner Satisfaction Index

Internal communication

Employee engagement in internal communication platforms

Number of internal communication initiatives

Results from employee surveys on communication

Cost effectiveness

Cost savings compared to the previous year

Number of cost-saving initiatives implemented

Cost per unit produced

Time efficiency

Number of completed projects within the set time frame

Average time to complete tasks

Time savings from process improvements

Customer support

Average response time to customer inquiries

Customer satisfaction rate with support

Number of resolved support cases per month

ISO 9001

Number of internal audits with full compliance

Number of quality improvements implemented

Results from external ISO audits

ISO 14001

Reduction of environmental impact measured in carbon dioxide emissions

Number of environmental improvement initiatives

Results from external ISO audits

ISO 27001

Number of reported security incidents

Time to fix security incidents

Results from internal and external security audits


Employee goals

The employee perspective is about developing and maintaining a competent and motivated workforce. The skills, commitment and well-being of employees are critical to the company's success. In this part of the article, we show you how you can measure and improve various aspects of human resource management, from recruitment and training to workplace culture and employee development. By focusing on the needs of the staff, you can create a positive and productive work environment.

Target area

Measurement method 1

Measurement method 2

Measurement method 3

General personal skills

Number of completed training hours per employee

Improvement in skill assessments

Employee feedback on training

Talent Acquisition (recruitment)

Average time to fill a vacancy

Quality of new hires assessed after six months

Cost per employment

Employee development

Number of employees who receive promotion per year

Number of completed development interviews

Results from employee development programs

Cooperation and collaboration

Number of team projects successfully completed

Employee feedback at the collaborative level

Number of internal network sessions

Values ​​and expectations

Employee compliance with the company's values ​​in annual surveys

Number of internal training courses on company values

Results from cultural surveys

Positive workplace culture

Employee satisfaction in annual work environment surveys

Number of social activities per year

Employee feedback on the work environment

Physical and social work environments

Number of work-related accidents

Employee health examinations

Investments in work environment improvements

Legal HR issues

Number of HR incidents handled within prescribed time frame

Number of educations on employment law

Employees' awareness of HR policies

Recognition and rewards

Number of recognitions and awards given per quarter

Employee satisfaction with the recognition policy

The effect of reward programs on employee performance


Financial goals

The economic perspective is central to ensuring that the company is financially stable and can achieve long-term profitability. It includes managing revenues, costs, cash flow and risks effectively. We will examine various financial measurement methods that will help you monitor your company's financial health and make informed decisions. By having control over the financial aspects, you can build a sustainable and successful business.

Target area

Measurement method 1

Measurement method 2

Measurement method 3

General financial control

Deviation from the budget in percent

Number of internal financial audits

Percentage of financial goals achieved


Number of errors in financial reports

Time to complete monthly accounts

Quality of financial reports assessed by auditors

Investor Relations

Number of positive investor reports

Number of meetings with investors

Investor satisfaction with communication

Financial reporting

Time to complete quarterly reports

Accuracy of financial forecasts

Quality of financial reports according to external auditors

Budget work

Number of budget adjustments during the budget year

Time to create and approve budget

Satisfaction with the budget process among department heads


Annual revenue growth in percentage

Revenue per product or service

Revenue per customer segment

Profit and margin

Operating margin in percent

Net profit margin

Profit growth compared to the previous year

Cash flow management

The length of the cash flow cycle

Liquidity ratio

Number of cash flow forecasts updated and followed

Risk management

Number of identified and managed risks

Loss as a result of risk events

Time to address identified risks

Capital structure

Debt-to-equity ratio

Return on equity (ROE)

Share of equity in the capital structure

ISO 9001

Number of deviations in ISO audits

Number of improvement initiatives implemented

Time to remedy identified deviations

ISO 14001

Amount of recycled material in percent

Number of environmental improvement projects completed

Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions per year

ISO 27001

Number of completed safety training courses per year

Number of security incidents reported

Time to fix security flaws


By applying the measurement methods presented in this article, you can get a clear and detailed picture of how well your organization is performing in various business perspectives. Understanding the outside world and target groups, improving sales efforts, optimizing internal processes, developing employees' skills and ensuring financial stability are key factors in achieving long-term success.

By regularly following up and evaluating these measurement methods, you can identify strengths and weaknesses in your business, make informed decisions and adjust your strategies to meet new challenges and opportunities. Having clear, measurable goals not only helps keep the business on track, but also creates a culture of continuous improvement and commitment within the organization.

We hope that the concrete examples and methods that we have shared in this article provide you with valuable insights and tools to improve the performance of your business. By implementing these measurement methods, you can ensure that your business not only survives, but thrives in an ever-changing business environment.

Don't hesitate to adapt and develop these methods to suit your particular business and its unique needs. Good luck!

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